We all have one, perhaps it is where we were born, perhaps it where we lived for that special time in our lives, or perhaps it is where we now live.
Wherever it is, why not tell us about it.
Explain where it is, don't forget we are across the world!
What is it that makes your "place" special?
Do you feel a nice comfy emotional connection?
I was born in Dundee, Scotland, lived there until around the age of 5 years old,
then moved to Greenock ( Scotland ), only lived there a couple of years, and
then lived in Port Glasgow, the rest of my growing up years.
Greenock and Port Glasgow are side by side... they are towns...
I for sure think of Port Glasgow as my hometown, that is where I
spent my growing up years, where I went to school, made friends,
happy / sad memories.
Port Glasgow is around 30 miles away from Glasgow..
It was a shipbuilding town, as was Greenock, ..
I found this write up about it online
By the 19th century, Port Glasgow had become a centre of shipbuilding. The Comet was built in the town in 1812 and was the first commercial steam vessel in Europe. A replica of the Comet and a plaque commemorating the actual site of construction are situated in Port Glasgow town centre.
PS Comet, Europe's first commercially successful steamboat, was built in Port Glasgow, and a replica of her made by shipyard apprentices now stands in the town centre.
Port Glasgow has the River Clyde... its beautiful there, but of course, I
didn't appreciate that when I lived there.
There is even a song about The River Clyde
Here's another photo..
You can see The River Clyde in the background....
There is also a castle in Port Glasgow... its called Newark Castle
I miss it there... it was a great place to grow up... but... my life
is here now ( Canada ) My heart is in 2 places.. I have my fond memories of
there... I still keep in touch with friends there, but for sure I have made
a life where I am now.. I'm still proud to call Port Glasgow my Hometown.
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