Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Book of Me.... Written by You... Week 4

This is the prompt for week 4

Prompt 4 - Favourite Season

Do you have one?
A Happy Memory or association

Close your eyes and imagine your favourite season – write down what you see, feel, hear.

My favourite season(s)

I believe that every season has its beauty, and for different reasons... Lets take Spring..

We have Easter... I love all holidays, although, I do have my favourite.... it is also the time the Earth comes alive... flowers start blooming, the grass goes from brown to green.... it is also my Ken's birthday in Springtime... isn't he handsome, smelling the blossoms.. hehe
 The tree in my backyard , full of blossoms
and I already said its Ken's birthday :)
We actually don't get much of a Spring here, and it is short.

Summer....  I don't like the heat too much, so Summer is not my favourite season at all... although I believe we need sunshine, and all the different colours are beautiful... especially after a bleak winter.
First of all... Canada's birthday is July 1st
 I take care of children... its my job, and I love it.... we did some science experiments
this summer ... with no school, I have to keep them busy :)
 The amusement park is open in the summer.. here we all are waiting to go on a ride
And of course, what would summer be, if we couldn't hit a splash park... they LOVE the water
Every summer we drive to the States to visit our son and family... here we are in their backyard... this has to be my most favourite part of summer.  We have 4 grandchildren here, that we only see once a year.. so its a precious time for us
There are some things I like about summer, but mostly I cant take the heat..

Fall and Winter... OH MY !!  Now we're talking... these are by far my favourite seasons
 Here I am ... the leaves were just beginning to change...
I think this saying says it all about the beauty of all the seasons... but look at the beautiful colours of Fall... the crunching of the leaves as you walk in them... what's not to love.......
And of course there is Halloween.  This is a pumpkin that one of our previous students carved.. we are Homestay parents.. and these students were from Korea.... they had never carved a pumpkin before.
This is my husband and I at a harvest ball...
Its also Thanksgiving in October ( in Canada )  This is our Turkey from last year. I cant believe its almost time again...
When I think of Fall, I think of Apples and cinnamon, and the beautiful colours of the leaves, Thanksgiving, Halloween.. warm sweaters, Hot chocolate.. falling leaves in preparation for my most favourite time of year...

I absolutely love this season... I love the magic of the first snowfall.. I love getting bundled up. Don't get me wrong..I hate the extreme cold... and we do get that here... I love sitting in my warm home watching the snow fall...

 Poor Ken... out shovelling...
 This is in my backyard....
The sky can be so blue, but it is so bitter cold out....
Another reason I love winter is because Christmas is my favourite holiday.. 

This was our Christmas card picture from a couple of years ago...

 I love sitting in the dark with just Christmas tree lights on.... magical
And of course... Christmas dinner is the best....
 Christmas Eve, we just do it Buffet style

 and we always invite people over... I usually do a gift and a stocking for each one

The lights on our bush outside
and we always have a chocolate fountain
~ There is something beautiful in each season... but Fall and Winter are the ones I love the most ~

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