Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Book about Me, wriiten by YOU.... week 1

I know I have been so bad at writing lately, but I have to tell you that I am so excited to do this.. and fingers crossed that I keep up.
I have decided to join in this 15 month challenge called The book about me, written by is created by
Prompt one is...Who Are You ?
Ask yourself 20 times “Who are you?” Each time you should give yourself a different answer.
so here goes...

1. A wife

2. A Mother
3. Grandmother
4. Childcare giver
6. Friend

7. Lover of everything Christmas

8.lover of Autumn
9. Introvert
10. Family Historian
11. A child of God
12. A listener
13.A procrastinator
14. A lover of books
15.A lover of music
16. Shy
17. Sensitive
18. Scottish
19. Canadian
20.A dreamer
21A daughter
22. A picture taker
It was a little bit harder than I thought... but that is me in a nutshell :)